Mikael’s blog

A developers seventh time trying to maintain a blog

Architecture in Javascript - Modules

About a week ago I wrote about turning client side JavaScript into CommonJS modules. The scoping of variables in CommonJS makes this easy, but what if we wanted to do it the other way around?

In CommonJS, modules are scoped by file and all public methods and properties must be propagated through the exports object.

var foo = 'foo';

function bar() {
  return foo;

exports.bar = bar;

In the above example the foo property is private to the CommonJS module and can only be read from the outside by the public method bar().

If we were to include this JavaScript file on the client however, the property foo and the method bar() would both exist in the same scope as all other JavaScript files. What we need is to scope our module.

Object Literal Notation

In JavaScript, everything is an object. Object Literal Notation lets us take advantage of this and markup our module in a kind of ‘fake’ namespace.

var myModule = {
  foo: 'foo',

  bar: function() {
    return this.foo;

exports.myModule = myModule;

Using Object Literal Notation we have now scoped our module inside a myModule namespace. If we were to include this JavaScript file on the client, only myModule would go into the global document scope.

The foo property is still public though and can be accessed using myModule.foo from the outside.

If you have no use for private properties then Object Literal Notation is an easy way to scope your module.

The Module Pattern

The Module Pattern (made popular by among others Douglas Crockford) is a clever mix of Immediately Invoked Function Expression and Object Literal Notation.
Instead of returning a function, as in IIFE, it returns an object.

var myModule = (function() {
  var foo = 'foo';

  return {
    bar: function() {
      return this.foo;

exports.myModule = myModule;

Now the foo property is private to our module even on the client side. This is how I choose to build my modules yesterday when I rewrote the blog.

What about exports?

If you haven’t noticed by now, none of our examples actually works in the browser. That’s because the exports object doesn’t exist outside of the CommonJS world.

One could of course create it in the global document scope but a better way would be to include some sanity checks in our module.

typeof(exports) != 'undefined' ? exports.myModule = myModule : null;

Now we ignore exports if the object doesn’t exist.

Some blog source code

I’ve done this for everything in my source as it allowed be to break things up into smaller pieces, and I use a init(...) method in my modules return {...} statement to inject different dependencies from the outside.

Not all my modules make sense to put on the client of course, but one I made is actually usable on the client side as well.

 *   Misc functions
 *   Author:  mikael.lofjard@gmail.com
 *   Website: http://lofjard.se
 *   License: MIT License

var Misc = (function() {

  var dateTimeRegex = new RegExp('([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)T([0-9]+:[0-9]+).+$', '');

  function doubleDigit(digit) {
    return (digit < 10) ? '0' + digit : digit;

  return {
    monthNames: ['unknown', 'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'],

    dayNames: ['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'],

    getDateTimeNow: function() {
      var now = new Date();
      var year = now.getFullYear();
      var month = doubleDigit(now.getMonth() + 1); //indexed from 0-11 =)
      var day = doubleDigit(now.getDate());
      var hours = doubleDigit(now.getHours());
      var mins = doubleDigit(now.getMinutes());
      var secs = doubleDigit(now.getSeconds());
      var tz = doubleDigit(-now.getTimezoneOffset() / 60); //offset in negative minutes

      return year + '-' + month + '-' + day + 'T' + hours + ':' + mins + ':' + secs + '+' + tz + ':00';

    prettyDate: function(dateTime) {
      var parsedDateTime = dateTimeRegex.exec(dateTime);

      var year = parsedDateTime[1];
      var month = parseInt(parsedDateTime[2]);
      var day = parseInt(parsedDateTime[3]);
      var time = parsedDateTime[4];

      return this.monthNames[month] + ' ' + day + ', ' + year + ' at ' + time;


typeof(exports) != 'undefined' ? exports.Misc = Misc : null;

I’m planning on making the entire blog source code available right here on the blog, but that will be the topic for another post.

by Mikael Lofjärd

Why node-static is a good idea

If you are using node.js as a web server (as I am) and you want to serve up static files there are a lot of ways you can go about doing that. I’m going to talk about 3 of them.

The bad path: Serving them yourself

It’s really easy to do this for a proof of concept. Node.js has an easy to use fs library for reading and writing files to the file system. In order to serve up some HTML page you just parse the request URL, retrieve the file using fs.readFile(...) and then write the file to the response stream.

I did this for the small server I use at my Tuesday tutorials at work. The problem we faced last Tuesday was that our web site would not load properly in IE9 without resorting to “compatibility mode”.

At the time I didn’t have time to look into it (as I was tutoring) so I did it today instead, and I quickly figured out the problem. The same problem that would face anyone trying to write a web server in node using the fs library; MIME types.

There are a lot of MIME types involved when serving up a web page. HTML should be served as text/html and in our case encoded using UTF-8. CSS should be served as text/css and this turned out to be what broke our site in IE. And the images all have their own MIME type depending on whether they’re JPGs, PNGs or GIF’s etc, and they should be served as binary.

All in all, there’s a lot of stuff to keep track of and while you could do all of that in code, why reinvent the wheel?

Another issue with the fs approach is that you have to implement your own caching.

The good (or sometimes great) path: Using nginx

nginx is a small, fast, http proxy/static file server/cache/load balancer that does an awesome job serving up static files with correct MIME types and great caching. The only current issue with nginx is that it only supports HTTP 1.0 and thus is incompatible with web sockets.

If you know that you’re not going to use web sockets (or you’re going to do some nifty port redirection) then nginx is the way to go.

The best (for me) path: node-static

node-static is an awesome little node.js module and it’s sole purpose is to serve up static files. It takes care of caching, E-tags, MIME types and all that stuff and it’s really easy to use.

Some code from node-static’s github page:

var static = require('node-static');

// Create a node-static server instance to serve the './public' folder
var file = new(static.Server)('./public');

require('http').createServer(function (request, response) {
  request.addListener('end', function () {
    // Serve files!
    file.serve(request, response);

Since I haven’t decided on whether I want to use web sockets for anything on my blog yet, and I don’t really have any performance issues that requires me to look more into nginx, I went down the node-static path and hasn’t regretted it yet.

Now I just need to implement it into my Tuesday Web Track server. That will probably take me anywhere between 30 and 45 seconds. =)

by Mikael Lofjärd

Node TCP Client

A few weeks ago I bought an iTach IP2IR from a company called Global Caché. Combined with an iPhone app called iRule it lets me use my iPhone to control my home theater equipment.

This has been an awesome experience. No more fighting over remotes since my wife has the same app on her phone, and when our daughter wakes up on the weekends we can turn the TV on in the living room without leaving the bed and thus buy our selfs a couple of minutes more snooze time.

The thing that makes Global Caché more awesome than most hardware companies is that they publish their API specs on their web site, and it’s a really nice, simple ASCII based TCP API. The API is really what made me choose this product over similar options.

Since the API works over TCP I can connect with almost anything that has a network connection and an SDK. Today I chose to connect with node.js and create a little program that is both a TCP client and a WebSockets server. My client in this case was a simple HTML page with a button that sent a message over WebSockets, similar to what I did with SplitCode.

Here’s the whole source code:

var io = require("socket.io").listen(1338);
var net = require('net');

io.sockets.on('connection', function (client) {
  console.log('WS: client connected');

  client.on('togglePower', function(code) {
    console.log('WS: recieved togglePower command');


var tcpclient = net.connect(4998, '', function() {
  console.log('TCP: client connected');

tcpclient.on('data', function(data) {
  console.log('TCP: recieved ' + data.toString());

tcpclient.on('end', function() {
  console.log('TCP: client disconnected');

function togglePower() {

My iTach is on ip and all communication is handled on port 4998.

I now have a button that can turn my IPTV STB on and off. It’s not much but it only took me all but 5 minutes to put together. =)

by Mikael Lofjärd

Client Certificates on Android

Today I stayed at home with a seriously soar throat and a mild but annoying headache. Unable to sleep through the day I set upon myself the task of creating an administration interface for the blog.

One of the reasons I had for building my own blog engine was to make it easy for me to post from my Android tablet. It’s been pretty easy to write new posts on my computer at home using the CouchDB administration interface, but I don’t want that exposed to the Internet.

I thought for a while about building a classic username/password login with sessions and all the usual stuff but to do that I wanted to have it transfer credentials over HTTPS. That meant creating SSL keys and self-signing a certificate. No problem there since my server runs Linux and all. But when reading up on TLS/SSL and server certificates I drifted into the client certificate jungle and realized that what I really wanted was for me to be able to post blogs without the use of a username and password.

Node.js has a great API for making use of client certificates:

var https = require("https");
var fs = require("fs");

function onRequest(request, response) {
  response.end("Authorized : " + request.connection.authorized);

var options = {
  key: fs.readFileSync('certs/server.key'),	// server key
  cert: fs.readFileSync('certs/lofjard.crt'),	// server certificate
  ca: fs.readFileSync('certs/lofjard.crt'),	// client certificate (or CA)
  requestCert: true

https.createServer(options, onRequest).listen(443);

The problem that annoyed me for hours is the fact that Android does NOT support client certificates. In fact there’s a whole lot of things Android doesn’t do when it comes to certificates.

I even went so far as to extract the default CA certificate key store from my rooted HTC Desire, editing it with a little java program I found in a dark corner of the Internet and then booting my phone into recovery mode, remounting a few partitions, moving some files around and then rebooting it again, only to find out that it had no effect.

Apparently Android 4.0 is going to solve all this (and world hunger) but for now I’m stuck either writing on my iPhone or write in Evernote on my tablet, sync to Evernote on my iPhone and then upload it. Ice Cream Sandwich could not come any sooner if you ask me. :)

by Mikael Lofjärd

The power of CommonJS

A few days ago when I was putting my posts into CouchDB, instead of relying on a static HTML file, I also implemented templating with Mustache. Mustache is small, easy to use and has almost no advanced features. It’s power lies in the vast amount of implementations it has for different platforms but most of the power comes from one single implementation; the JavaScript implementation.

There’s nothing really special about the JavaScript implementation except that it is written in JavaScript and is intended to run in the web browser. The implication of having this implementation however is that you can now use the same template files on both the server side and client side. That was a big win for me so I decided to use it.

There is also, on their website, a link to a node.js implementation, and that’s what I was planning to use on my server.

After a few minutes of trying to put it to work I gave up. But then I figured; “Hey, I’m writing JavaScript in node.js. Why don’t I just set up the client-side Mustache implementation as a node module?“.

So node.js, as you might know, is an implementation of the CommonJS API. CommonJS defines a really simple way of turning your JavaScript files into modules for use in any CommonJS implementation.

exports.to_html = to_html;

This single line was all I needed to add to the JavaScript file I used on the client. I could do some error checking too see if exports is defined, if I wanted to, and that would give me a way of using the exact same file on both the client and the server. However, I decided to hade two files since I wanted to put the node module with my global node modules for use in other projects.

Taking it to the next level

Today I decided that I wanted to try and do the same thing with the SyntaxHighlighter library. That turned out to be a little trickier.

When Alex wrote version 3.x of SyntaxHighlighter he, wisely, decided that it should be a CommonJS module. He even wrote a test that uses it in node.js. The problem with his implementation lies in what features he exposed.

When you run SyntaxHighlighter in a browser, you make a call to a function that gets all HTML-elements containing code (by default the <pre>-elements). Then it gets their innerHTML attribute and does its magic with it. When it’s done it replaces the <pre>-element with the new pretty <div>-element containing all the highlighted code.

This doesn’t work so well on the server since it uses DOM-manipulation and the server side has no DOM (although some people are trying to build DOM access as a node module but that feels dirty to me).

What Alex did was expose a function that renders a string containg the code into a string containing the pretty <div>-element. Like this (from his website):

var sys = require('sys'),
  shSyntaxHighlighter = require('shCore').SyntaxHighlighter,
  shJScript = require('shBrushJScript').Brush,
  code = '\
    function helloWorld()\
      // this is great!\
      for(var i = 0; i <= 1; i++)\
  brush = new shJScript();
brush.init({ toolbar: false });

That’s great if you have a lot of code examples in a database that. I however have all my code examples embedded in blog posts, surrounded by a lot of text and HTML. I want it to work in the same way as it does client-side.

So I hacked it. It’s not pretty, it still contains a lot of code that I don’t need and it involves a bit of XRegExp magic (XRegExp is awesome btw).

What it does do is work, beautifully. And now I can do this:

var sh = require('./shCore').SyntaxHighlighter;

// requiring brushes loads them into the sh-object somehow
var bashBrush = require('./shBrushBash').Brush;
var csharpBrush = require('./shBrushCSharp').Brush;
var cssBrush = require('./shBrushCss').Brush;
var jsBrush = require('./shBrushJScript').Brush;
var xmlBrush = require('./shBrushXml').Brush;

//----- I cut out the fetching blog post stuff from here -----//

// apply syntax highlighting
blogpost.htmlContent = sh.highlight(blogpost.htmlContent);
// apply template
var html = mu.to_html(templates['blogpost.mu'], blogpost);

// write it back to the response stream
response.writeHead(200, { "Content-Type" : "text/html" });

It also saves my readers from having to download 166 KB worth of data distributed over six HTTP requests, and that, ladies and gentlemen, is a win.

by Mikael Lofjärd

SplitCode v0.1 - A success story

Socket.io almost makes it to easy. Here’s my early early alpha code. Works like a charm.

Server code (for node.js):

var io = require("socket.io").listen(1338); 
io.sockets.on('connection', function (client) {
  client.on('codeChanged', function(code) {
    client.broadcast.emit('changeCode', code);

  client.on('scrolled', function(position) {
    client.broadcast.emit('scroll', position);


<!doctype html>
  <meta charset="utf-8" />
  <title>SplitCode Master</title>
  <script src="socket.io.min.js"></script>
  <textarea id="mastertext" onKeyUp="maybesend();" wrap="off"></textarea>
    var master = document.getElementById("mastertext");
    var socket = io.connect('');

    var th = {}; 
    function maybesend() {
      th.timeout = setTimeout(send, 100);

    function send() {
      socket.emit('codeChanged', master.value);


<!doctype html>
  <meta charset="utf-8" />
  <title>SplitCode Slave</title>;
  <script src="socket.io.min.js"></script>
  <textarea id="slavetext" wrap="off"></textarea>
    var slave = document.getElementById("slavetext");
    var socket = io.connect('');

    socket.on('changeCode', function (code) {
      slave.value = code;

Nevermind all the non compliant HTML or other code quality issues. The story here is that it is dead simple to use socket.io and it is blazingly fast.

by Mikael Lofjärd

Double linked paging in CouchDB

Yesterday I said that I would look into paging, as my post count had reached 10+, so that’s what I did today.

Paging in CouchDB isn’t all that straight forward for a bunch of reasons that I’ll try to explain.

Firstly, to be able to query anything in Couch you need a View. A Couch View is basically a really fast hash of your documents that is constructed with a little piece of javascript (like everything in Couch).

In my case it looks like this:

  if(doc.type === "blogpost" && doc.published) {
    emit(doc.dateTime, doc);

The execution of this code is what makes Couch so fast for reads. The magic can be read about here and if you’re interested in how Couch maintains its indexes, then it’s a good read. It is however not the point of this blog post.

The important thing to know about the above piece of code is that it returns all published blogposts with the dateTime-attribute as the Key and the whole document as the Value.

The reason for using a date and time as the key in this view is that Couch always sorts its views on the key and I wan’t my blog posts to be returned to me in reversed chronologic order.

CouchDB has a few interesting arguments that you can set when querying a view:

  • key - If set, the query will only return documents with that key.
  • descending - Is used to set the sort order.
  • startkey - The start key of a range of keys to query for.
  • endkey - The end key of a range of keys to query for.
  • limit - Select only a set number of documents.
  • skip - Skip a number of documents before yielding results.

Easy paging

Now the easy way of doing this would be to set limit = page size and skip = page size * page number (zero-indexed of course).

The problem with that is that skip is an expensive operation in Couch. In my case with 10-20 blog posts by now it wouldn’t even matter but if it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing it right.

Double linked (awesome) paging

Single linked paging wasn’t that hard either but I wanted more then an “Older posts” button. I (for some weird reason) was hell bent on also having a “Newer posts” button so that I could step freely forwards and backwards through my posts.

The trick relies on using the startkey-, limit- and descending-arguments.

On the front page I use an “A” as my startkey. I also set descending = true so that I will get my results in reverse order. When querying with descending = true I needed a value for startkey that was greater than any I could have as keys in my view. Since my keys were timestamps starting with the year number I knew that a letter would be considered “greater”. (remember the reverse part)

I then set limit = page size + 1. The +1 document is never displayed on the website but I use its key as my startkey for the next page. And if the result size is less than page size + 1 then I have reached the last page.

The “previous page”-button was a bit trickier to figure out but the solution was quite simple.

The same way I use the +1 document as the startkey to get to the next page I use the first post in the result as the startkey to get to the previous page, only this time I query with descending = false and limit = page size + 2.

If the result size is less then page size +2 then I’m at the first page, and all I have to do then is reverse the result manually and then do all the same stuff as before.


Here is the code to help you figure out what I just said. I’m not really that good at explaining this stuff in the middle of the night. =)

function page(request, response) {
  var key = url.parse(request.url, true).query.key;

  var startKey = 'A';
  var pageSize = 8; // 7 for show and 1 for reference
  var desc = true;
  var firstPage = true;

  if(key) {
    var prefix = key.substring(0, 1);
    desc = (prefix != 'p');
    startKey = key.substring(1);
    firstPage = false;

  var nextPageKey = null;
  var prevPageKey = null;

  var queryargs = { descending: desc, limit: (desc ? pageSize : pageSize + 1), startkey: startKey};
  db.view('posts/publishedByDateTime', queryargs, function (err, doc) {
    if (err) {
      console.log("CouchDB: DB Read error");
      error(request, response, 404);

    if (!desc) {
      if (doc.length < pageSize + 1) {
        firstPage = true;
      } else {

      // reverse doc if we came from a "prev page" click
      // since we then selected with descending: false;

    // if result size = page size then remove the last item
    // in the array but store its key for the next page button
    if (doc.length == pageSize) {
      nextPageKey = doc.pop().key;

    // if there are results and we are not on the first
    // page then set the key for the previous page button
    if (doc.length > 0 && !firstPage ) {
      prevPageKey = doc[0].key;

    // create a list of posts and keys for use in the html
    var postList = {
      posts : doc,
      olderPosts: (nextPageKey != null),
      nextPageKey: 'n' + nextPageKey,
      newerPosts: (prevPageKey != null),
      prevPageKey: 'p' + prevPageKey,
      renderPageNav: ((prevPageKey != null) || (nextPageKey != null))

    // send JSON to Mustache
    var html = mu.to_html(templates['list.mu'], postList);

    // write HTML to response stream
    response.writeHead(200, { "Content-Type" : "text/html" });
by Mikael Lofjärd

Somewhat backwards compatible

I got the chance to see my blog through the eyes of Internet Explorer 8 today, and boy was that something to behold. There was no styling what so ever. It looked like the internet pre 1995.

This site uses HTML5 and CSS3 and that is fine for most modern web browsers. Even those that has no support for HTML5 renders ok, mostly due to the fact that they ignore the tags they dont recognize and just renders them as they would any <div>-tag. But not dear Internet Explorer. Internet Explorer < 9 just ignores the tags and doesn’t style what it doesn’t know. Awesome!

Good thing then that a couple of guys realized that you could trick IE into rendering unknown tags by creating them with javascript.


The above piece of javascript is all that is required for IE to accept all <mysuperspecial>-tags and style them with CSS.

Thankfully they built a little script that does this (and a bit more) for all the new HTML5-elements.

<!--[if lt IE 9]>
<script src="//html5shiv.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/html5.js"></script>

Include the above in the head of your HTML document and you’re good to go.

Now this just solves the IE problem. The default in HTML5 is to render most of the new elements as blocks. But the older browsers don’t necessarily do this so it’s considered best to do this implicitly in your CSS file.

header, nav, hgroup, section, article, footer, address {
	display: block;

The above are not all of the new HTML5 elements but you can add whatever else you use on your site.

DISCLAIMER: I’m at home right now with nothing but the latest and greatest browsers at hand so I can’t check that my changes actually worked, but at least I’ll get to look at it with IE 8 again tomorrow.

by Mikael Lofjärd

Experimental server is up

I’ve put up a node test server running on port 1337 (it was already forwarded to my server for reasons forgotten by me) and I configured node-static to take care of all my static files.

If you want give it a go, head to http://www.lofjard.se:1337 (EDIT: not available anymore) and have a look at an exact copy of this site running on another web server.

Setting up node-static turned out to be pretty simple. Example stolen from node-static’s GitHub page:

var static = require('node-static');

// Create a node-static server instance to serve the './public' folder
var file = new(static.Server)('./public');

require('http').createServer(function (request, response) {
  request.addListener('end', function () {
    // Serve files!
    file.serve(request, response);

Since this blog is currently all static files there’s not really all that much to my node code but I wanted to get a feel for how it holds up.

I also installed supervisor so that the server gets restarted should it crash.

Supervisor also has the nifty ability to monitor changes to your files so that it can automatically restart node when updates are made to the server code. Very handy in the development phase.

by Mikael Lofjärd

Trying to fix SyntaxHighlighter on mobile browsers

I recently incorporated the SyntaxHighlighter by Alex Gorbatchev so that I can easily show code examples in a nice way.
The default configuration seems to have a few quirks when it comes to working on mobile devices. Not all of them are SyntaxHighlighters fault to be fair, but here’s some of the things I’ve had to deel with.

Broken font fallback stack

The default font fallback stack in SyntaxHighlighter looks like this:

font-family: "Consolas", "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono", "Courier New", Courier, monospace !important;

Consolas is the new pretty font used in Visual Studio 2010 and it is my personal favourite for displaying source code, but it only exists on Windows Vista+. Well that shouldn’t be a problem since there is a big fallback stack defined and it ends with “monospace” witch means “any monospace font on the device”.

However, Android 2.x has a broken implementation of the fallback mechanism causing it to try “Consolas”, fail (since it doesn’t exist on Android) and then, instead of trying the next font in line, it just automatically selects “sans-serif”. Now I don’t now about you but I feel that sans-serif fonts have no business beeing around source code (unless they are a monospace sans-serif).

On top of this it seemed that none of my font-size tags had any effect on this sans-serif so the line numbers and lines of code didn’t align properly.
The problem got even worse on the iPhone witch successfully falled back on a monospace font but made the code lines much larger than the line numbers causing the alignment to be of by a factor of approx. 1.4.

Web fonts to the rescue

Web fonts have been around for a long time, but like the <video> element in HTML5, all browsers support a different font format.

The folks over at Fontspring have done a tremendous job putting together a “bulletproof” syntax for the @font-face css attribute that works on all current (and a lot of older) browsers.

This made me think of just putting “Consolas” on my server and making all the browsers download it and then use it as my first font in the fallback stack for SyntaxHighlighter. But “Consolas” is a proprietary font and thus that would have been illegal.

There is however a beautiful, free alternative to “Consolas” called “Iconsolata” made by Raph Levien so I decided to use that.

Since I didn’t feel like I hade the time to mess around with all the neccesary MIME-types in my Apache-configuration I decided to use the Google Web Fonts API which as it turned out already hosted the “Inconsolata” font. Great!

An additional line of CSS included on my site…

<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Inconsolata" />

…and a quick add to the font fallback stack of SyntaxHighlighter…

font-family: "Inconsolata", "Consolas", "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono", "Courier New", Courier, monospace !important;

…and now it works! Or so I thought.

The iPhone problem

While this fixed the font problem on my Android phone, the lines are still missaligned on my iPhone. It’s was now only missaligned by a factor of approx. 1.1 but it is still enough for me to get disturbed by it.

-webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%;

I added the above rule to the SyntaxHighlighter CSS file and now it renders beautifully in all of my devices.
The iPhone and my Android tablet even manages to get the scrolling correct for the code examples but my Android phone doesn’t. Well I guess you can’t have everything.

by Mikael Lofjärd

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