Mikael’s blog

A developers seventh time trying to maintain a blog

Summer is Coming

And with summer, my almost year long blog hiatus ends.

July 31st 2013 was the day my second daughter was born. Besides installing some long forgotten parts in the server machine, little has happened since then. Well, little has happened with regards to the blog, that is.

September 25th marked my 31st birthday and the scale tipped at 90 kilograms. I strapped on my running shoes and started running. Once a week. Then twice a week. For a while I ran three times a week. I also cut all my intake of carbohydrates, except for one beer each weekend, and about two weeks after Christmas the blinking digits underneath my feet presented themselves as 75 kilograms.
I’ve kept on running ever since.

Then the year 2014 happened and boy did it happen fast. It’s already May and I’ve yet to write a single blog post (well except for this one). I have, however, started up a few new projects, both by myself and some with friends. One of them will result in a new design for this blog and its subsequent merge into a larger site presenting more aspects of my life.
More information about that will follow, I promise!

by Mikael Lofjärd
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