Mikael’s blog

A developers seventh time trying to maintain a blog

The magic that makes it all happen

If you’re reading this blog I expect you to have a somewhat technical side to your personality and thus I assume you have a pretty up-to-date browser.
This blog is made with HTML5 and CSS3 and at the moment I have not done any work at all to make it cross browser compatible. I have Chrome 15 (my current default browser), IE 9, Firefox 7 and Opera 11.52 installed on my machine and it works in all of them (except the “border-radius” attribute which doesn’t work on images in Opera).
Somewhere down the line I might incorporate some fixes for older browsers but unless you’re stuck at work, in a government company running Windows XP and IE 8, please upgrade your browser. The rest of the world wide web is just out there waiting for you to experince it in a better way!

So what kind of stuff am I planning on using to develop this blog engine?
Here’s a list:

  • node.js - Evented I/O for V8 JavaScript.
  • node-static - A better way of serving up static files in node.js.
  • CouchDB - A NoSQL document database.
  • jQuery - The one javascript framework to rule them all.
  • Mustach - Logic less templating framework.
  • HTML5 - The way the web should be done.
  • CSS3 - All the magic styling stuff made easy

I’ve probably forgotten something but if I figure it out, I’ll at least have something to write another post about. =)

by Mikael Lofjärd
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