Mikael’s blog

A developers seventh time trying to maintain a blog

TODO 2012

Between my trip to the west coast for Christmas and my office being jammed up with boxes, there hasn’t been that much developing going on for me in the last few weeks. I have, however, not been able to stay away from it completely so a few nights ago I squeezed myself into my office chair and wrote some wierd scheduler/saga-mashup code that I’m going to need next week when I’m going back to work.

But that is a topic for another day (or night). Today I’m just writing down some of the stuff I will, and would like to, do during 2012.

My 2012 TODO list

  • Learn a few mobile web development frameworks. This will be my spring topic for my Tuesday workshops at work.
  • Scan all the codes from my IR remotes so that I can finally do something more that turn the TV on and off (although this was a nice feature to have during Christmas as I could connect remotely with my tablet and at the same time watch my living room through Skype as I turned my TV on for an impromptu burglar protection scheme).
  • Purchase and build a new server for the blog. My 9 years old laptop will hopefully be decommissioned A.S.A.P.
  • Upgrade all my Android devices to ICS so I can finally make some use of my client side certificates.
  • Probably redesign the blog just for fun.
  • Lot’s of refactoring.
  • Win the lottery.
  • Find more interesting topics to write about.

That’s basically my plans for now. Stay tuned to find out how it all works out!

by Mikael Lofjärd
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