Mikael’s blog

A developers seventh time trying to maintain a blog

Tag #ssl

OMG New Certificates | February 6, 2013 at 14:09

One might wonder where I've been or what I've been up to these last couple of months. One would be right to wonder why I, so close to the one year anniversary of this blog, suddenly stopped writing. The truth is kind of embarassing. ## What did you do? I created a bunch of SSL certificates that were set to expire in a year (by not changing the default value). So here I was, wanting to write to you about building a robot, going to FOSDEM, hacking away at my blog etc, but I just couldn't. Well not in any easy way anyway. ## But isn't that an easy fix? My first thought was to generate new client certificates but that was when I realised that my server certificates had expired as well and my CA certificate had been lost in the [maintenance](http://lofjard.se/post/maintenance-in-progres

Hope | November 24, 2011 at 18:56

I was very happy when I saw [this](https://plus.google.com/100275307499530023476/posts/hVw7ykmsvrx) the other day. I knew it was bound to happen, but for it to happen so soon was a nice surprise. Hopefully the ROM for the Galaxy Tab 8.9 won't be far behind. Samsung recently hired the founder of CyanogenMod, Steve Kondik, and since Samsung tends to take some time releasing their own ROMs, this seems like a nice way to speed things up at least for rooted Samsung device owners. I'm really looking forward to using client certificates on my tablet. Someone also managed to cram <abbr title="Ice Cream Sandwich">ICS</abbr> onto his G1 today. Now that's impressive. This bodes well for my not-as-aging-as-a-G1 HTC Desire. It will be interesting to see if it can run Android 4.0 in any usable way.

Client Certificates on Android | November 18, 2011 at 19:25

Today I stayed at home with a seriously soar throat and a mild but annoying headache. Unable to sleep through the day I set upon myself the task of creating an administration interface for the blog. One of the reasons I had for building my own blog engine was to make it easy for me to post from my Android tablet. It's been pretty easy to write new posts on my computer at home using the CouchDB administration interface, but I don't want that exposed to the Internet. I thought for a while about building a classic username/password login with sessions and all the usual stuff but to do that I wanted to have it transfer credentials over HTTPS. That meant creating SSL keys and self-signing a certificate. No problem there since my server runs Linux and all. But when reading up on TLS/SSL and se

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