Mikael's blog

A developers seventh time trying to maintain a blog

Running on Couch

I’m home from Øredev and I just couldn’t resist using some of my new found inspiration to get some work done on the blog.

Apache is no more! The blog now runs fully on node.js and I even got around to putting all my static blog posts into CouchDB and it is now read from disk (or cache most likely) and then templated with Mustache to form my blog.

This means that I can finally have unique links for each blog post which should make it a bit easier for me to promote my updates.

As I currently don’t have any way of writing posts on the site, I use the CouchDB admin interface. This I feel will probably change some time in the future, but for now it works for me.

by Mikael Lofjärd

The magic that makes it all happen

If you’re reading this blog I expect you to have a somewhat technical side to your personality and thus I assume you have a pretty up-to-date browser.
This blog is made with HTML5 and CSS3 and at the moment I have not done any work at all to make it cross browser compatible. I have Chrome 15 (my current default browser), IE 9, Firefox 7 and Opera 11.52 installed on my machine and it works in all of them (except the “border-radius” attribute which doesn’t work on images in Opera).
Somewhere down the line I might incorporate some fixes for older browsers but unless you’re stuck at work, in a government company running Windows XP and IE 8, please upgrade your browser. The rest of the world wide web is just out there waiting for you to experince it in a better way!

So what kind of stuff am I planning on using to develop this blog engine?
Here’s a list:

  • node.js - Evented I/O for V8 JavaScript.
  • node-static - A better way of serving up static files in node.js.
  • CouchDB - A NoSQL document database.
  • jQuery - The one javascript framework to rule them all.
  • Mustach - Logic less templating framework.
  • HTML5 - The way the web should be done.
  • CSS3 - All the magic styling stuff made easy

I’ve probably forgotten something but if I figure it out, I’ll at least have something to write another post about. =)

by Mikael Lofjärd

That time of the year

I once again have come to realize that I’ve ignored my blog, yet again, for an extended amount of time. When this happens my usual response is to delete all my old posts, change the layout and start over.

This time, however, I thought about, for a while, why all my previous blogging atempts have failed and came to the conclusion that I don’t really like any of the blog engines that I have used in the past. Mostly I think because they’ve made it quite cumbersome to blog “on-the-go”. So this time around I decided to do things differently.

What you’re looking at right now is (at the time of writing this) a static html page being server to you by an Apache web server running on an old laptop in my closet. This however is about to change. In the coming weeks I’m going to write a new blog engine using my new favourite tool; node.js.
I’m not writing yet another blog engine so that the world can have more choice, I’m writing it because I’m hoping that in doing this, and at the same time posting about my progress, I will build enough momentum to keep this blog going. I also plan on making it as simple as possible to post new stuff from my new favourite toy; my Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9.

by Mikael Lofjärd

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