Mikael’s blog

A developers seventh time trying to maintain a blog

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Tuesday 29

Automatic Minification and Bundling with node.js

Scott Guthrie recently wrote about the new [minification and bundling](http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2011/11/27/new-bundling-and-minification-support-asp-net-4-5-series.aspx) process that has been built for ASP.Net 4.5. I read his blog post, liked what I read and then I though of doing the same thing for my blog. I've been looking at minification programs for a while but I've put it off so far because I didn't want to add another step to my manual deployment process. Now I'm thinking I don't have to have another step. I could do it "automagically". ## The BundleController ````js /***************************************** * Bundle Controller ***************************************** * Author: mikael.lofjard@gmail.com * Website: http://lofjard.se * License: MIT Licen

Architecture in JavaScript - Inheritance

There's been a lot of debate over the years about whether JavaScript is an object-oriented language or not. Most of these discussions seem to pan out into arguments over inheritance. JavaScript, by design, lends itself well to inheritance through extension. However, JavaScript can support lots of different types of inheritance. I'm going to talk about a few of them today. Consider the following code: ````js function Car() { this.color = "Blue"; this.brand = "unknown"; } function Ford() { var o = new Car(); for(var i in o) { this[i] = o[i]; } this.brand = "Ford"; } var myCar = new Car(); var myFord = new Ford(); ```` The `myCar` object would have the properties `color` and `brand`. The `Ford()` constructor method creates inheritance by creating a `Car` and copying a
Thursday 24


I was very happy when I saw [this](https://plus.google.com/100275307499530023476/posts/hVw7ykmsvrx) the other day. I knew it was bound to happen, but for it to happen so soon was a nice surprise. Hopefully the ROM for the Galaxy Tab 8.9 won't be far behind. Samsung recently hired the founder of CyanogenMod, Steve Kondik, and since Samsung tends to take some time releasing their own ROMs, this seems like a nice way to speed things up at least for rooted Samsung device owners. I'm really looking forward to using client certificates on my tablet. Someone also managed to cram <abbr title="Ice Cream Sandwich">ICS</abbr> onto his G1 today. Now that's impressive. This bodes well for my not-as-aging-as-a-G1 HTC Desire. It will be interesting to see if it can run Android 4.0 in any usable way.

Node.js Development Server Strategy

When I started building this blog my server was the production environment and my laptop was the development environment. This all changed when I added the database and started doing more UNIX specific stuff such as path resolving and such. So from then until yesterday my production environment was also my development environment. Not the best strategy I admit. Yesterday when I rewrote the architecture I also decided that I needed to set up a separate node.js instance as a development environment on the server. The first problem I had to solve was configuration. My configuration was scattered all over the code base so I moved it all into `index.js` which is the file I execute with node when I start the server. I also did not want to have to change my configuration before I deploy (copy)

Architecture in Javascript - Modules

About a week ago I wrote about [turning client side JavaScript into CommonJS modules](http://lofjard.se/post/the-power-of-commonjs). The scoping of variables in CommonJS makes this easy, but what if we wanted to do it the other way around? In CommonJS, modules are scoped by file and all public methods and properties must be propagated through the <code>exports</code> object. ````js var foo = 'foo'; function bar() { return foo; } exports.bar = bar; ```` In the above example the `foo` property is private to the CommonJS module and can only be read from the outside by the public method `bar()`. If we were to include this JavaScript file on the client however, the property `foo` and the method `bar()` would both exist in the same scope as all other JavaScript files. What we need is to

Stupid admin

Sometimes I go to bed at night with an open ssh session running the server in the foreground. If that times out, so does the server. I really need to pay more attention to what I'm doing. Sorry about the down-time... \*ashamed\*


Tomorrow (actually today when I write this) my daughters day care is closed and I get to spend the day with her at home. That meant that I could stay up late tonight and do some work on the blog. The last few days I've felt that the file sizes were beginning to get out of hand. This easily happens when you're writing JavaScript since it's kind of a cowboy language. I love that I am able to twist and bend the language to my will, but the same thing that makes JavaScript so powerful can also be its worst enemy. It's way to easy to loose control of yourself and before you know it you end up with a 1000-lines-of-code monster file and your head starts spinning every time you want to make a change to it. So today I rewrote the blog. Not all of the logic, but basically all of the architectural
Tuesday 22

Why node-static is a good idea

If you are using node.js as a web server (as I am) and you want to serve up static files there are a lot of ways you can go about doing that. I'm going to talk about 3 of them. ## The bad path: Serving them yourself It's really easy to do this for a proof of concept. Node.js has an easy to use `fs` library for reading and writing files to the file system. In order to serve up some HTML page you just parse the request URL, retrieve the file using `fs.readFile(...)` and then write the file to the response stream. I did this for the small server I use at my Tuesday tutorials at work. The problem we faced last Tuesday was that our web site would not load properly in IE9 without resorting to "compatibility mode". At the time I didn't have time to look into it (as I was tutoring) so I did it

Node TCP Client

A few weeks ago I bought an [iTach IP2IR](http://www.globalcache.com/products/itach/ip2irspecs/) from a company called Global Caché. Combined with an iPhone app called iRule it lets me use my iPhone to control my home theater equipment. This has been an awesome experience. No more fighting over remotes since my wife has the same app on her phone, and when our daughter wakes up on the weekends we can turn the TV on in the living room without leaving the bed and thus buy our selfs a couple of minutes more snooze time. The thing that makes Global Caché more awesome than most hardware companies is that they publish their API specs on their web site, and it's a really nice, simple ASCII based TCP API. The API is really what made me choose this product over similar options. Since the API work
Friday 18

Oh Crap!

I just realized that comments had stopped working. I had forgotten to upload the new JavaScript file with the SyntaxHighlighter code removed after I implemented it server-side. Silly me. Comments are now working again.

WiFi Channel 13 and Android 2.x

A friend of mine told me about how a program called [inSSIDer](http://www.metageek.net/products/inssider/) helped him get better performance from his wireless network at home. A few days ago I decided to try it out. inSSIDer is this nifty little profiling tool that allows you to see visually all the wireless networks in your vicinity, what their signal strengths are and what channels they're occupying. It turns out I have a 14(!) networks interfering with mine. The best way to minimize interference is of course to use another channel. The problem is that 802.11g/n networks use approx. 20 MHz of bandwith and the 13 channels allowed (only 11 in the States/Canada) are spaced only 5 MHz apart. 802.11b networks used approx. 30 MHz of bandwidth which in turn made room for only 3 non-overlapp

Client Certificates on Android

Today I stayed at home with a seriously soar throat and a mild but annoying headache. Unable to sleep through the day I set upon myself the task of creating an administration interface for the blog. One of the reasons I had for building my own blog engine was to make it easy for me to post from my Android tablet. It's been pretty easy to write new posts on my computer at home using the CouchDB administration interface, but I don't want that exposed to the Internet. I thought for a while about building a classic username/password login with sessions and all the usual stuff but to do that I wanted to have it transfer credentials over HTTPS. That meant creating SSL keys and self-signing a certificate. No problem there since my server runs Linux and all. But when reading up on TLS/SSL and se
Tuesday 15

SplitCode v0.1 - A success story

Socket.io almost makes it to easy. Here's my early early alpha code. Works like a charm. Server code (for node.js): ````js var io = require("socket.io").listen(1338); io.sockets.on('connection', function (client) { client.on('codeChanged', function(code) { client.broadcast.emit('changeCode', code); }); client.on('scrolled', function(position) { client.broadcast.emit('scroll', position); }); }); ```` Master.html: ````html <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title>SplitCode Master</title> <script src="socket.io.min.js"></script> </head> <body> <textarea id="mastertext" onKeyUp="maybesend();" wrap="off"></textarea> <script> var master = document.getElementById("mastertext"); var socket = io.connect(''); var th =

Coding on stage

I held a tutorial on HTML5 today at work and my preparations led me to think about coding while doing a presentation. This was done a lot at &Oslash;redev, but everyone did it in the same two ways. Either you duplicate your screen and let your attendees see everything that goes on on your desktop, or you extend your desktop, keeping your notes on the computer screen and your code on the projector. The problem with the first option is that you need to have your notes on paper. The problem with the second option is the strain it puts on your neck when you have to look at the projector while coding and at the same time facing the attendees. What I wanted was a window on my desktop that I could write code in and another window on the extended projector screen that would show the code in real

Double linked paging in CouchDB

Yesterday I said that I would look into paging, as my post count had reached 10+, so that's what I did today. Paging in CouchDB isn't all that straight forward for a bunch of reasons that I'll try to explain. Firstly, to be able to query anything in Couch you need a View. A Couch View is basically a really fast hash of your documents that is constructed with a little piece of javascript (like everything in Couch). In my case it looks like this: ````js function(doc) { if(doc.type === "blogpost" && doc.published) { emit(doc.dateTime, doc); } } ```` The execution of this code is what makes Couch so fast for reads. The magic can be read about [here](http://couchdb.apache.org/docs/overview.html) and if you're interested in how Couch maintains its indexes, then it's a good read. It
Friday 4

Experimental server is up

I've put up a node test server running on port 1337 (it was already forwarded to my server for reasons forgotten by me) and I configured [node-static](https://github.com/cloudhead/node-static) to take care of all my static files. If you want give it a go, head to http://www.lofjard.se:1337 (EDIT: not available anymore) and have a look at an exact copy of this site running on another web server. Setting up node-static turned out to be pretty simple. Example stolen from node-static's GitHub page: ````js var static = require('node-static'); // // Create a node-static server instance to serve the './public' folder // var file = new(static.Server)('./public'); require('http').createServer(function (request, response) { request.addListener('end', function () { // // Serve files!

Trying to fix SyntaxHighlighter on mobile browsers

I recently incorporated the [SyntaxHighlighter](http://alexgorbatchev.com/SyntaxHighlighter/) by Alex Gorbatchev so that I can easily show code examples in a nice way. The default configuration seems to have a few quirks when it comes to working on mobile devices. Not all of them are SyntaxHighlighters fault to be fair, but here's some of the things I've had to deel with. #### Broken font fallback stack The default font fallback stack in SyntaxHighlighter looks like this: ````css font-family: "Consolas", "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono", "Courier New", Courier, monospace !important; ```` Consolas is the new pretty font used in Visual Studio 2010 and it is my personal favourite for displaying source code, but it only exists on Windows Vista+. Well that shouldn't be a problem since there is
Thursday 3

Responsive Web Design

Responsive web design is the new rage in HTML. As much as I dislike buzzwords, this one is actually something worth thinking about. [Scott Hanselman](http://www.hanselman.com/blog/LearningAboutProgressiveEnhancementSupportingMobileBrowsersWithCSS3MediaQueries.aspx) wrote a blog post on the subject a while back and [James Fuller](http://www.jblotus.com/2011/06/21/protect-your-career-with-these-5-web-development-technologies/) has it at #5 on his top 5 list of things you need to learn right now. If you don't have a smartphone of your own to try your site out on you can make use of Google's [GoMo](http://www.howtogomo.com/en/#test-your-site) project which can render what your site will look like on an Android phone. As of this post I've done my share of responsive web design for this site

The magic that makes it all happen

If you're reading this blog I expect you to have a somewhat technical side to your personality and thus I assume you have a pretty up-to-date browser. This blog is made with HTML5 and CSS3 and at the moment I have not done any work at all to make it cross browser compatible. I have Chrome 15 (my current default browser), IE 9, Firefox 7 and Opera 11.52 installed on my machine and it works in all of them (except the "border-radius" attribute which doesn't work on images in Opera). Somewhere down the line I might incorporate some fixes for older browsers but unless you're stuck at work, in a government company running Windows XP and IE 8, please upgrade your browser. The rest of the world wide web is just out there waiting for you to experince it in a better way! So what kind of stuff a

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